Showing posts with label property management software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label property management software. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

How Does The World See Property Investments After Lockdown

As an investor, you must be very careful in Property Investments. Experts say there could be a 20% crash in real estate investments. The prices are likely to fall. For potential buyers and buyers who have cash security no longer have to worry about property Investments. It’s their time to buy a property. Even negotiation to a greater extent is possible.

However, the global economic condition and the pandemic situation together created uncertainty in the field of Real Estate and can negatively impact the Real Estate Industry this year. There are job losses happening around the country so it’s better to stay cautious in Property Investments.

Property Management Company should be approached before making any decision regarding the investments in the property to understand the in and outs of the property investment sector during this pandemic. If you approach a Property Management Consultant, he will observe the situation for you and on the property, you are willing to invest. This will help you make a clear decision, TO BUY or NOT. 

Property Investments After Lockdown

Irrespective of the current situation, the property investors see there must be a significant change in the prices of the properties. It could be either high or less. No one can really foresee what it is really going to be like as it is already uncertain.

In a survey, they say nearly 40 % of the total potential property investors, who were searching properties for purchase before lockdown, have postponed their plan while almost 60 percent of property investors are still stubborn to invest in a property within a year.

Also, the buyers seem to show more interest in the properties that are ready to move in than an under-construction project. The investors feel that they are way safer than the projects that are under construction.

In case of so much confusion, any investor who is willing to do Property Investments post lockdown can approach a Property Management Company even now to know the exact situation in the investing area. Why do we bring a property management company because come on, who else is closely watching the current real estate situations than property Management Companies?

Just like panic attacks, there could be panic price downfall post lockdown but however, it is gradually going to increase after the situation turns normal. Once COVID-19 is contained and the situation is returning back, we can say that the prices may go up gradually or skyrocket. We can not easily graph it since it’s still evolving.

But as already said, the fully completed and ready to move in projects may move quicker than the projects that are under construction. To make sure that the sentiment of the buyer remains positive, there will be a need for a little more positive approach to lifting the selling numbers in the market.

A property Investor can always approach a Property Management Consultant for guidance. They know where to invest and at what time. Since the lockdown is extended until the 17th of May, losses seem to increase. You still need to know that real estate and property investments are not going to crash, it just takes some time to overcome the loss, right after the lockdown, Property Investments may gradually pick up.

What You Must Consider About Property Investments Post Lockdown?  

  1. Supply & Labour Issues
  2. Demand Issues
These are two types of issues we need to combat and look for before investing in a property post lockdown. Let’s see how it takes a toll on property investments!
  1.  Supply & Labour Issues

Supply issues for Construction Materials are there even during this pandemic lockdown. So after lifting the lockdown, the supply of the goods will be there but not to a greater extent. There could be slash in the prices of the building materials but you cannot compromise the cost of the project. It is going to remain the same. Also, there is a labour shortage, you cannot just call the workers back from their hometowns without work. Some companies have given both food and shelter to their workers stranded in the sites.  This pandemic lockdown has created a huge burden on these labourers. Several daily wagers are stranded in distant states and are not able to return home. Real estate experts foresee a situation where once the lockdown is lifted the labourers will be rushing home escalating a shortage of labour. This will drag projects and take a lot more time to complete them. 

2. Demand Issues
These industries will witness high unemployment initially, but it will gradually be back to how it was before. There are going to be so many employment opportunities for daily wagers in the construction industry, as we foresee the labourers from distant places may rush back to their hometowns causing a need for alternate labourers. It will also take a toll on the economy, and promote the unemployment of the youngsters. We cannot even imagine the situation of how so many students who must have been graduates will have to stay on for another year of study!

The impact on prices of the property will be intensified gradually. Investors will have to face increasing arrears in returns, lower yields, and decreased buyers if you are trying to sell the property.
So it is always said that it is cheaper to invest than to rent and that that will be understood when the prices start to spike.

These issues can be handled easily if you hire a Property Management Company or a Property Management Consultant in Bangalore.
But, we also need to understand the fact that some of the property developers are not even interested in cutting prices despite the loss.

Another factor you must keep in mind is that the extended lockdown may result in the value of a property to fall, which in turn might result in increased competition for the property. When it comes to the lower prices, it will fall into the price range of more buyers, and this may delay or completely make you lose the chances of buying the property. This will lead to increased affordability for almost all the people since the price range is falling.


These are the things that you should know before investing in a property after lockdown or simply approach ownerstown property management company in Bangalore, they are the best in the business. A property management company will reduce almost all the confusion that you are carrying on your shoulders.
We hope you find this article helpful. Contact us for more details. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effective Ways to Maintain Your Property While Social Distancing With Owners Town

Quarantine, lockdown, stay-at-home, and social distancing have become synonymous with our everyday lives because of the notorious Covid-19 that is spreading into the world like wildfire. Social distancing has become a major desperate measure during this desperate time. More and more awareness is being raised on how staying-at-home can curb down Coronavirus.
It is without a doubt that the economy has taken a huge toll amidst the lockdown. The government has stated that turning to technology is the best way to conduct business operations from home so that social distancing can be maintained effectively. While pondering on the different markets being affected in this pandemic, real estate is one such arena that has taken a massive blow.
Landlords and tenants alike are trying to make amends as much as possible since the main goal is to overcome the virus together. With this regard, property owners and renters can make the best of social distancing with Owners Town. Through our state-of-the-art online services, we make sure that tenants and landlords are comfortable and hassle-free in this lockdown.
So below is a detailed nitty-gritty on how Owners Town can help property owners and renters in this unfortunate epidemic.

This is how property owners can be a pro at social distancing with Owners Town

1.Online Communication
To maintain social distancing, online communication is the best way in this present situation. With our property management solution app, you can communicate with your tenant effectively once you have the tenants on board.
With our in-app messaging feature, you can respond to the renters anytime with the OwnersTown dashboard. You can be free from the hassle of a phone call or text messages where you can manage more than one tenant with ease. The renters can also easily express their issues and concern amidst the lockdown with the in-app messaging feature. After all, it is all about being there for each other yet apart in this pandemic.
Features of tenant communication app
  • Notifications: With the property specific notifications, easy communications can be done where the owner and the renter can share information and news without any delays. Our platform provides in-app notification and system and user-generated messages so the communication is streamlined.
  • Email: With regards to any tenant updates or email/phone verification, both tenants and owners will receive notifications simultaneously.
2. Catching up on document work
Pre-lockdown, you, as a property owner might have had more on your plate or you must have been wearing a lot of hats to not catch up on your property document work. But these stay-at-home days are perfect to pull up your socks and get on the piled up work. With the Owners Town application, you can sort all your documents in one place. You can have easy access to all your paperwork and take a quick preview where you will not have to open up each and every document. And without outgoing anywhere you can easily share your tenant-specific document in a click.
Features of our document management portal include:
  • Drag and Drop: With our application, uploading documents has never been easier where it can be done in just 2 simple steps. All you have to do is drag and drop documents and name them
  • Quick and easy sharing: With our portal, sharing can be done in a jiffy. You can download the document from anyplace since you have the amenity of property-wise access. Through the Owners Town portal, sharing of the document becomes convenient.
  • Security: Property documents are important where their security is a major concern. With the help of our secure cloud repository, property owners can not only upload but also manage and share documents online in a safe and secure way. You will have full access to your documents where it is protected through encryption and the documents will not be shared without the owner’s permission.
3. Helping you prepare for the future
A lot of notions are being conveyed by the real-estate experts about the market and how the economy will be affected post-lockdown. Many people have opined that India might see a similar trend like China where the residential sector might take priority since office and retail projects might take some time to emerge from the stand-still. Having said all this, it is always better to prepare rather than regretting in the future. Property owners can be better at social distancing with Owners Town because through our advanced reporting feature, you can use the best of analytics to gain insight into the present situation and have an idea of the probability of the future.
The features of our custom advanced reports include:
  • Rent reports: With the rent report feature, monthly comparisons can be made about your property or tenant where you can know which of your property has performed well and which has not. With this insight, you can prepare yourself post-lockdown.
  • Keeping a tab on expenses: With the help of the maintenance report, you can know your maintenance expenses on any desired period so that you can manage your monetary expenses accordingly. Since everyone is trying to put as much halt as possible on their expenses, this specific feature can avail a lot of property owners effectively.
  • Detailed analysis: In order to gain a vehement insight on tenant overturn or expenses, you can create an advanced report by providing adequate information. All it takes is just two steps, i.e. selecting a basic detail for the report and then running a report. You can have the analytics at hand and prepare yourself for the future vehemently.
This is indeed a difficult time for everyone but by using the time productively, property owners can be a smart owner while maintaining effective social distancing with Owners Town.