Showing posts with label rental management application. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rental management application. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2020

How will Real Estate Start Recovery after COVID-19 in India

Ever since the Coronavirus outbreak started, the country has been brought into its nationwide lockdown. The national lockdown is mainly imposed to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus where the pandemic has shocked each and every business in India, barring most of the essential services.

Real estate is one such business that got hit badly due to the pandemic. Also, the dimensions of the effect are unknown. This makes it even more difficult for the real estate owners to predict the damages that this pandemic is going to rest at their door.

Some real estate owners hire a Property Management Company to untangle the issues and foresee the problems that may come their way.

The Coronavirus Pandemic - an opportunity?

With every problem comes an opportunity.

Clearly, this is a very tough time but, in this phase, you can focus on the funds, and luckily you also have enormous time now. Besides, this is also a good opportunity for real estate holders in India. The crisis began not today, it’s been hitting the real estate sector for like a year now with various factors.

However, the prices of the properties are likely to go high irrespective of the current situation due to the pandemic.

Effects of Covid19 on the Real Estate Sector

It has not been a great time for the Real Estate Industry since the complete nation went under lockdown with severe restrictions in March due to the outbreak of novel coronavirus.

The most important factors of the Real Estate sector are as follows,

●     Manpower

●     Funds

●     Demand

Real Estate is said to be one of the sectors where the demand for manpower is high. The main problem that the real estate sector foresees is that there would be no manpower. Initially, the workers would have started working for the company under a contract, now that there is no work, there is no money for them to even feed themselves. So, the workers have started going back to their hometowns in large amounts. It’s going to be very difficult to pull the workers back again.

Even the well-funded projects are facing delays due to the absence of liquidity. There are around 4.66 Lakh units across India that are yet to be completed will face severe delays. If you think about the current situation, new launches may also face a severe hit and witness delays. The demand has got slightly reduced over time. In times of these crises, a Property Management Company is one of the much-needed supports to fight back the problems that you already have and the problems that are yet to come.

Is recovery going to be difficult for Real Estate post Covid-19?
As we all know that the Real Estate Industry is one of the most affected sectors due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic is still on its roll and we have no idea when is this even going to come to an end.

The effect of Covid-19 may stand still and may take years together for recovery, they say. Also, this could also be a part of us now and can be called the “new normal”. The Real Estate Industry should foresee the problems and invent innovative and productive techniques to overcome the crisis. At least enough to meet with the new requirements. Since the real estate sector needs new ways to cope up with the prevailing situation, a Property Management Company is expected to come up with new techniques to improve the situation of the real estate owners. 

Employing a Property Management Application is considered wise during this situation. 

You must have understood from the points mentioned above that the recovery is going to be a lot more difficult than you thought it would be. 

In order to protect you from the potholes ahead on the road, guidance from the Property Management Consultants are very important. Professional Consultants are totally aware of the current situation and are already helping many property owners with their properties. This makes it easier for them to assess the current situation and give you the desired solution for the safety of the property.

The imbalance during the pandemic is very likely to drive the potential buyers to go for nearly completed properties and not during the new launch, this won’t apply for the brands they trust. As already insisted, the real estate industry would need to work out and come up with new ways to effectively deal with the emerging requirements to sustain itself.

However, new launches will not come to a halt, but will definitely slowdown in the recovery state of the pandemic for a while. It is said that the demand for all the property in all the stages is going to be there and can see an increase over time. But somehow, the product and the factors that excite the potential audience shall be different from what we have today, for instance, if you are a buyer and you want to buy a property post the COVID pandemic, what will you check for? You will see if there are enough facilities for a person or a family, like open areas, recreation spaces, and also you will see if your property is at a considerable distance from the significant other property.  

As mentioned earlier, there could be a rise in requirements of the larger personal spacing and more open areas like balconies, this will push up the sales of new unit areas. 
In the same way for a residential space, the need for social distancing demands in redesigning the cubicles and workstations. Moreover, centralized air conditioning will also require technological interventions to curb the spread of viruses. In days ahead, there should be the need for the avoidance of touch controls for lifts, lights, etc., and regularise using voice-activated controls. 

The current real estate condition with a large number of delayed and unfinished houses makes the buyers go towards nearly completed projects, which will demand the builders to pool in much larger investments into their projects. Making ways for these increased investments would create an additional financial burden, which will require completing the projects in a very short time possible for them to sell their properties to the buyers in order to generate resources. Such cases can be dealt easily with the Property Management portals and release you from all the lead generation stress.

You can lessen the construction time if you start using construction technologies. The technologies for modular construction are already in use to some extent, but post-Covid this could become the new normal. 

The use of Property Management Applications could see an increased hike in terms of usage. The surge in the requirement of quality for the customers of today also requires industrialized construction in a big way. The ongoing COVID pandemic would definitely play a major role in the improved usage of Property Management Applications. 


We have no idea as to when this pandemic is going to see it’s ending. But there is a hope that this will change the real estate sector for the better. This should be considered as the chance to reinvent techniques used by the Real Estate Industries all these years. This recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic may take months together and when it recovers, it employs new techniques and technologies and would also witness a hike in the sales thereby increasing the need for Property Management Companies and Property Management Applications.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

How Does OwnersTown Property Management Application Work?

Property Management Applications have become an absolutely necessary part of Property Management Companies to make working with them easier. The role of the property management app is to help owners and property managers with managing the properties. The property management application must be designed to have strong organization skills. In short, the applications must be able to help landlords and property managers in managing, selling, and leasing the property or leaving the property for rents. On the other hand, the property management application will allow the renter to check for the properties that are appropriate for their needs and rent down the respective property.

What is the purpose of the Property Management Application?

If you have to install a Property Management Application, you obviously have to know its purpose at least as an audience. Why do you need a Property Management app? A Property Management Application is said to have the following functions that make it absolutely essential for you to install,

  • Evaluate property expenses and income
  • Advertise your rental properties online
  • Manage rents
  • Abide by the landlord-tenant & real estate laws
  • Mainly, maintenance of the property
  • If these factors didn’t help you employ a rental management application, what else will?

What are the works that a Property Management Application is in charge of?

The main idea of Property Management applications is to lessen the burden of the property managers and landlords. Now, in this case, everyone with the application will expect automation in the functions or the Property Management Application will pose no use!

The works that could be taken care of by the application are,

  • Collecting & Managing rent
  • Checking for the repair requests and timely maintenance
  • Exposure to the Landlord-tenant law
  • Keeping the responsibilities in check
  • File taxes
  • Monetary Management
  • Managing the tenants

How to manage the stress of Property Management?

As a property manager, you will have to face a unique kind of stressing out.  You will have to face both the Property Management Company and also the property owners. That makes your position especially difficult.  To reduce your stress, the property management companies are introducing property management applications now, one such application is the Ownerstown Property Management Application.

You must know where you are hanging over your properties. Ownerstown Property Management Company will always provide exclusive services to its clientele. Employing their Property Management application will expose you to the benefits the company provides.

Here, we’ll see the features, overview of the ownerstown property management application, services provided!

Application Review – OwnersTown Property Management Application:

The OwnersTown Property Management Application poses to provide a one-stop solution for property management. You know how stressful property management could get, so to reduce your stress and simplify the work, the ownerstown property management company designed this Property Management Application that suits everyone. The Ownerstown application will not only look after your properties but also do everything to take your property online and provide a path to sell them.

The application helps in providing all types of services that are required for the properties and guide you in accordance with the law. The ownerstown property management application lets you register your property with them at ease. You will be expected to provide the basic details of a property like the age, location, the rental, area of the property.

Once you enter all the details, your properties will become visible to the users. You are now a registered member of the Ownerstown Property Management Company.

Features of the Ownserstown Property Management Application:

Some of the notable features of the Ownserstown Property Management Application would be,

  1. Managing the accounts
  2. Manage Documents
  3. Manage Tenants
  4. Update and complete tasks
  5. Provides Performance Reports
  6. Managing the vendors
  7. Provides a Secured dashboard (for Property Owner, Property Manager, Tenants)
  8. Reminders for rents & maintenance

1.Managing the Accounts

Managing your account with the ownerstown property management application will be a breeze to work with. A structured and easy interface allows you to manage all your transactions in a single place. The Property Management Application allows you to record, manage, and share property-related transactions online without having to do any paperwork. That’s how simple it is.

The Ownerstown property management application provides encrypted transactions and helps generate invoices in a jiff.

2. Manages Documents

The ownerstown Property Management Application helps you in managing all the property-related documents of the tenant and the owner. It’s a place where you can store and find all your documents. Also, if there comes any need to download the document, feel free to download it from the ownerstown portal. You can just drag, drop, and share your documents with anyone you would like to share.

3. Manage Tenants

Ownerstown helps in managing your tenant cycle. They will help you right from marketing your property to renting it out. Thus, this rental management application keeps your property alive.

4. Update and complete tasks

Create and assign tasks for your property from financial to maintenance, from rental to vendors. Having a streamlined task process allows you to have complete knowledge of all the work which is pending, on hold, and completed making property management easier like never before.

5.Provides Performance Reports

After running with the application for a while, you need to know how far you have made it. So, performance reports are absolutely necessary to evaluate. Performance reports provide an in-depth report of all your rental, lease, and maintenance allowing you to have a better understanding of your property and provides a game plan for what needs to be done next.

6. Managing the vendors

Just in case, if your tenant happens to experience any problem with the property, they will be allowed to raise a request. For, ex: it could be for plumbing issues, electric issues, civil, etc., That’s why this ownerstown property management application understands the problem of the tenants and collaborated with genuine and verified vendors for timely assistance.

7. Provides a Secured Dashboard

Ownerstown provides you a secured dashboard where you can see the health of the property. Having an overview of every detail at a glimpse allows you to make decisions faster and with precision. Be it transactions or managing your property, everything is completely encrypted.

OwnersTown provides dashboards for the Property owners, managers, and tenants.

8. Reminders for rents & maintenance

The application sets reminders for timely scheduled maintenance and collecting rents. Also, an automated invoicing feature has been integrated into the platform allowing rent invoices to be sent automatically within the scheduled time.

Notifications either through the application or email

Any problem with the property or any kind of updates, you will be notified with a message through the application or through email.